In order to predict the rotorcraft motion in the vicinity of objects or their wake, a real-time capable model is presented. The dynamic in ow into the rotors was extracted from a real- time Lattice-Boltzmann uid simulation and fed into a blade element based rotorcraft ight dynamics code. To represent the in uence of arbitrary objects on the ight dynamics, the objects were modeled by boundary conditions in the Lattice-Boltzmann uid simulation and updated dynamically in every time step. This two-way coupled simulation enabled the prediction of the rotorcraft motion and ight dynamics in arbitrary situations without prior knowledge of the ow eld. To validate the e ect of objects on the in ow, the required power in hover and forward ight in ground e ect was evaluated. Furthermore, the rotorcraft motion due to a step input in hovering and forward ight was discussed. The results from the coupled uid dynamics/ ight dynamics model showed good agreement when compared to a more established reference model, namely the Pitt-Peters in ow model.